Hi I%26#39;m leaving Beijing on a flight to london at 7.25am - I need accomodation very close to the airport - cheap and cheerful is fine - I don%26#39;t want to spend too much as I%26#39;ll hardly be getting a lot of sleep.
Has anyone any suggestions please %26amp; thanks?
Accomodation at airport
you will find very hard find room close to Captital airport now.the 2008 or the 10th Beijing International Automotive Exhibition is scheduled to be held during April 22-28 in the New China International Exhibition Center in Shunyi in the suburbs.which is not far from airport.most hotels are full now.
Accomodation at airport
Hi, I%26#39;m not actually staying there until may 14th.
Do you have any suggestions plz?
try to these hotels 北京绿港天都酒店(Beijing lvgang Tiandu Hotel),北京首都国际机场宾馆(Beijing International Airport Hotel).
try to find the hotel from elong.com .
Kong yuan Hotel 3star 200yuan -300 yuan
Tel; 0086 10-80489494
capital airport Zhao dai suo for airflight crew
you can also choose to stay there.
I sometime have my meal at their canteen.
Very good service.
0086 10 64563440
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